Sunday, November 7, 2010

Career Services--Resumes and Cover Letter Workshop

This was an informing workshop. I attended the workshop that was sponsored by the National Council of Negro Women, ASU chapter (NCNW ASU) and guest speaker Maryjo Douglas Zunk. In this workshop she discussed the difference between a CV and a resume, the different headings of a resume. It a great workshop since I am anticipating graduation in the Spring. The most important thing that I got out of this workshop is "create a treasury". A treasury is something that is filled with action  sentences of everything that you did or learned. She also noted to use objectives from previous classes syllabus.

Here is the link to the facebook event that was created by NCNW!/event.php?eid=155328637834334

For information on NCNW here is our facebook group link and our website!/group.php?gid=110632643121

Career Services

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