Friday, November 12, 2010

Fund raising in Student Organizations is a hassle!!!

I am in need of fund raising ideas. I am in charge of raising funds to go to nationals. My first thought was to do concessions at ASU. The thing is that we need insurance in order to participate. Obtaining insurance from our national headquarters means we have to pay $150 and think that is for one time. The other idea I had was to propose to major corporations. The thing with corporations is that we must have a 501 C3 status and we have a C4 status so that makes us ineligible. We can’t put on any social activities because we must have money to sustain us and then hopefully gain that money back plus some. If anyone has any suggestions please post on this blog. I will greatly appreciate it.


  1. I have always struggled with fund raising, but first thing you can do is build a list of people that you know that have the means to donate, even in amounts of $10 to $20 bucks a piece. You can start calling them making your pitch.

  2. yeah that make sense!! I will start working on that as soon as i get some of these papers out of the way!!! Its finals season
