Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rivalry Between 2 Community Branches of the NAACP?

This is just my own opinion but I feel that there is some type of rivalry between the Maricopa County Branch and the East Valley Branch of the NAACP. I attended the Maricopa County Branch meeting and as part of the meeting they read the mail. One of the pieces was a invitation from the East Valley NAACP to attend their freedom fund dinner that took place in October. The letter head of the invitation had certain Eastern cities such as Awahatukee, Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, and etc. The President made a remark as “they need to stop putting these cities on their letterhead”. I’m thinking…why does it matter? They are both trying to reach the same goals they just probably have a different approach. Just because its called Maricopa County doesn’t mean that everybody has to go to this branch meeting. Maybe they live in one of the cities that is listed in the letterhead and want to attend that branch meeting. Who cares? We are about the advancement of Colored people not competing amongst colored people. LOL I think it is petty and it’s a shame that high school things are still going on when you past 50 years old.


  1. How many NAACP branches are there in the Phoenix metro area?

  2. There are 2 community/adult branches and 2 youth councils, 3 college chapters.

  3. I am always surprised by the amount of rivalry and pettiness between similarly placed organizations. Your absolutely right, it doesn't matter, not even a little bit.
