Friday, December 10, 2010

Internship Reflection

I am glad that I had the opportunity to intern with the local adult branch of the NAACP. I was able to see some insight on the organization. I don’t feel negative about the organization but I feel as though I have come into the truth about the local operations of the organization and I don’t feel compelled to continue my active membership. It seems as though it is a rubber stamp. Maybe I am missing something or I wasn’t with the right people but I don’t feel motivated at all. I genuinely care about the national organization and all that it has done for people but it seems as though the local chapter is using that as a recruiting device when in fact I haven’t seen them do anything that affects people my age and college education. Maybe in a different state or city things will be different. I do plan to see what is happening with the NAACP in Birmingham and Mobile, AL where I am from and will be moving to for graduate school.

ASU NAACP Executive Board Decision Making

This current semester I did serve as the 3rd Vice President of the ASU NAACP. I felt that since I was interning with the Maricopa Co branch and Mesa Community College Chapter. That since I was an active member I should be on the executive board so I could have a voice in the direction of the chapter and its operation. However, I did resigned after 2 months because there was too much drama and emotions involved. Every time I would make suggestions it was perceived as “Kristen always has something to say”. I feel that if something has my name on it or I am openly saying that I affiliate myself with an organization, I am going to have some say so about local activities and etc. I think that the biggest issue was power to be honest. I don’t like being a part of an organization and it’s a dictatorship and its volunteer. I like when the leader can switch between legislative and executive decision making. During legislative decision making, it is not one person making all the decisions but it’s democratic and collectively decision making. On the other hand, it’s where the leader makes all the decisions. I understand that in major companies and payroll is included then the leader, CEO should be able to make executive decision but when its just a student organization, the executive board collectively should make the decision not the President alone.

Career Services Tempe Campus Appointment

I went to visit the career services during their “drop in” hours just to ask some questions regarding CV and resume, where to look for jobs, and what jobs I could get with my majors. The guy that I met with was very helpful even under the circumstances. I checked the website to see when their drop in hours was and I went during the time that was stated on the website. The receptionist told me that they didn’t have any…I was upset because I drove all the way from Surprise! I explained that to her and they were able to work something out. So I was appreciative of that. Anyway back to the guy that saw me. He gave me some great pointers and looked over my resume. He told me the difference between a CV and a resume…so for my upcoming jobs and graduate school applications I will submit a resume. I am thinking that I will submit the chronological resume since that is the one that recent graduates use. As far as great places to look for jobs he suggested that I do research on whatever field that I was interested in and focus on those companies. He also recommended Sundevil career link. I told him that I would probably move to Birmingham, AL and he suggested database and access it through asu library since ASU pays a subscription to it. The last thing that he suggested was identifying what exactly I wanted to do and not focus on what I can do with my majors. He was really helpful, wish I could remember his name….

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Finals Breakfast

Finals Breakfast is an annual tradition that takes place on reading day. Reading Day is the day after the last day of classes. There is free breakfast at all of the dining halls as well as other free fun activities and free giveaways. This year it took place, yesterday Wednesday, December 8th from 9pm-11pm. I wondered why the time was soo late and it’s because they give students time to study and unwind before diving into final exams. It set under the pretense that students will be studying all night and morning that they serve breakfast. It was a fun event as well as motivating students to study and do well on finals.

World AIDS DAY 2010

World AIDS Day (WAD) is always celebrated on Dec 1st to bring awareness of HIV and AIDs in the community. Usually, the Black and African Coalition (BAC) at ASU host an event on Hayden Lawn to commemorate HIV and AIDS in the Black community. How this event work is that organizations within the BAC come out and table on WAD passing out literature, condoms, lubrication and candy. African Americans have the highest cases of HIV and AIDS and amongst the African Americans the women have the highest cases. It is caused by: needles—the sharing of infected needles and mostly from men having sex with men—heterosexual relationships amongst African Americans which results in the “Down Low Brothers” giving it to their straight wives.
Since my time here at ASU, the ASU NAACP always help out with this event. I have no idea why there wasn’t any representation this year because this is an annual event that has been going on since I’ve been at ASU. It could be due to lack of sincere support of the NAACP at ASU, just a thought.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Arizona State College Chapters NAACP Umbrella

In the beginning, the National College Chapter Advisor of the NAACP college chapters decided that we should create an environment where all the college chapters of the NAACP can come unite and exchange ideas to better their chapter. This could also work as planning meeting and learning of other’s events and supporting them. The idea of this umbrella would help student leaders in the NAACP. However, we have only had 2 meetings since August! As I have mentioned, I would really like for this project to take off. Things that could help with the progression of this project are: establishing a general meeting time…whether it’s the 2nd Sunday or Saturday of each month at the same time. Second, establish some type of leadership amongst the student leaders and tasks. That way all the responsibilities are not left up to one person or the college advisor. If the college advisor has to be absent the meetings can still take place…therefore progressing the organization.

NAACP National Convention!!

In the meetings that I have attend, there has been a big push to get everyone involved in going to the national convention. This year 2011, the convention will be held in Los Angeles, CA. I think it would a great opportunity to learn more about the organization, its operation, as well as a networking endeavor. However, head leadership in the adult branches are motivating people to go for their own selfish reasons—that is to look good to the national organization. It seems as though it is a numbers thing. Sine Arizona always has low attendance at the national convention. Now since the convention is on the west coast and so close, they are pushing for high attendance at the National Convention. For information on the National Convention visit