Friday, December 10, 2010

ASU NAACP Executive Board Decision Making

This current semester I did serve as the 3rd Vice President of the ASU NAACP. I felt that since I was interning with the Maricopa Co branch and Mesa Community College Chapter. That since I was an active member I should be on the executive board so I could have a voice in the direction of the chapter and its operation. However, I did resigned after 2 months because there was too much drama and emotions involved. Every time I would make suggestions it was perceived as “Kristen always has something to say”. I feel that if something has my name on it or I am openly saying that I affiliate myself with an organization, I am going to have some say so about local activities and etc. I think that the biggest issue was power to be honest. I don’t like being a part of an organization and it’s a dictatorship and its volunteer. I like when the leader can switch between legislative and executive decision making. During legislative decision making, it is not one person making all the decisions but it’s democratic and collectively decision making. On the other hand, it’s where the leader makes all the decisions. I understand that in major companies and payroll is included then the leader, CEO should be able to make executive decision but when its just a student organization, the executive board collectively should make the decision not the President alone.

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