Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Arizona State College Chapters NAACP Umbrella

In the beginning, the National College Chapter Advisor of the NAACP college chapters decided that we should create an environment where all the college chapters of the NAACP can come unite and exchange ideas to better their chapter. This could also work as planning meeting and learning of other’s events and supporting them. The idea of this umbrella would help student leaders in the NAACP. However, we have only had 2 meetings since August! As I have mentioned, I would really like for this project to take off. Things that could help with the progression of this project are: establishing a general meeting time…whether it’s the 2nd Sunday or Saturday of each month at the same time. Second, establish some type of leadership amongst the student leaders and tasks. That way all the responsibilities are not left up to one person or the college advisor. If the college advisor has to be absent the meetings can still take place…therefore progressing the organization.

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