Thursday, December 9, 2010

World AIDS DAY 2010

World AIDS Day (WAD) is always celebrated on Dec 1st to bring awareness of HIV and AIDs in the community. Usually, the Black and African Coalition (BAC) at ASU host an event on Hayden Lawn to commemorate HIV and AIDS in the Black community. How this event work is that organizations within the BAC come out and table on WAD passing out literature, condoms, lubrication and candy. African Americans have the highest cases of HIV and AIDS and amongst the African Americans the women have the highest cases. It is caused by: needles—the sharing of infected needles and mostly from men having sex with men—heterosexual relationships amongst African Americans which results in the “Down Low Brothers” giving it to their straight wives.
Since my time here at ASU, the ASU NAACP always help out with this event. I have no idea why there wasn’t any representation this year because this is an annual event that has been going on since I’ve been at ASU. It could be due to lack of sincere support of the NAACP at ASU, just a thought.

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