Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ASU NAACP Meetings

I was a very active member in the college chapter of the NAACP at ASU since I have been enrolled. Over the 2 years period that I have been involved, the organization is diminishing. I know that all organizations have problems and etc but it seems as though everyone is there for altruistic motives. What happened to people being apart of something for the cause? Or being motivated because of the organization’s mission? I feel that the leader has no intention of making the organization better. She is content with the way things are…I asked her what were her plans and how do she expect to get other people involved. Her reply was to give out stuff. Such as T-shirts, food, and memberships. That is costly!!! From my understanding the organization has about $150 in its account and she is using other resources to ask for money and there isn’t any programming going on. I know that this organization is in need of a lot of help. It needs the right people to do it. How does an organization get over changing the culture? Getting the right people on the bus if the right people aren’t there in beginning or at the head of the organization? I guess my frustration is showing…but something needs to be done.


  1. Great insight! It is frustrating when you see something you care deeply about turn sour. I see it a lot and it mostly happens with our society. Communities that I truly care about turn rotten because no one takes the initiative to make things better. I hope things turn around for you and the NAACP at ASU

  2. Well I don't plan being active because it will be my last semester and I have other obligations...I doubt that it will because the President has such a tight grip on her position she doesn't like to do anything but the minimum. I will be active in other organizations just not this one
