Friday, December 10, 2010

Internship Reflection

I am glad that I had the opportunity to intern with the local adult branch of the NAACP. I was able to see some insight on the organization. I don’t feel negative about the organization but I feel as though I have come into the truth about the local operations of the organization and I don’t feel compelled to continue my active membership. It seems as though it is a rubber stamp. Maybe I am missing something or I wasn’t with the right people but I don’t feel motivated at all. I genuinely care about the national organization and all that it has done for people but it seems as though the local chapter is using that as a recruiting device when in fact I haven’t seen them do anything that affects people my age and college education. Maybe in a different state or city things will be different. I do plan to see what is happening with the NAACP in Birmingham and Mobile, AL where I am from and will be moving to for graduate school.

1 comment:

  1. hey,

    I don't know if you still check out this blog or not, but my name is JOe and I work with the naacp college chapter in portland and I am doing some research on naacp college chapters all over the country and for some reasons, google gave me this blog of yours as the first link. All I need from you is a contact in the naacp Arizona college chapter.
    Also I wanted to say that I understand what you mean about not being satisfied entirely with organisation, it's like anything in life, there's always the good and the bad, hopefully your next one will have more good than bad.
    you can email me at: with the info if you have it.
